21 degrees in Spring

It’s the 30th of March and it’s the 4th day into our Easter break. Today’s highest temperature was 21 degrees and it feels so much more like Summer than Spring. The sun was shining so brightly that people were wearing their shades out. It feels so good to finally ditch my winter clothes and just go out in a shirt and fbts. After staying in the past few days to finish my assignments and work, it was literally a breath of fresh air to take a walk around campus and run some errands. The birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming and the people were strewn all over the multiple grass patches soaking in the sun rays. There’s just something about this weather that puts a smile on your face, because doing something as mundane as running errands made me feel happier than I have for the past few months (ok maybe this is also because I’m not bogged down by school and exams for now heh).

I love how our campus looks when it’s bathed in sunlight
Anyway, I’ve decided to do some baking today because fresh bread is the most wonderful thing in the world. With the warmth from outside seeping into our kitchen, I could leave the dough out on the table to prove instead of putting it in the oven like how we do in winter.

Before and after proofing

I couldn’t decide on the filling for the bread, but seeing as I still had some chicken floss left, I thought I could just make another batch of chicken floss buns. But, with me being such a lazy bum, I couldn’t be bothered to slice the bread once it’s done, make some mayo from scratch then fill the bread cavities with mayo and floss. Instead, before letting the dough prove for the second time, I simply put the floss in while I’m shaping the buns #lazybaking101

The photos below are of me fiddling with the dough (thanks Corinne!!)

After 15 minutes in the oven, the whole kitchen will smell like fresh bread and you’ll have a tray of piping hot fluffy buns, ready to be eaten! 

Before and after baking in the oven

Glorious chicken floss buns

I’m on a baking spree so I’ve just started another batch of bread dough using another recipe, but I’ll be saving that for another post (hopefully, if I’m not too lazy heh)

It’s been so great having some me-time and I guess this post is just for myself to look back at when the going gets tough again 😌


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